My adorable husband and I are truly ones who finish each others sentences.
We know how to play “good cop bad cop” extremely well.
We enjoy simple meals at home with our sons.
And we love each other more than we did over 20 years ago.
I am most grateful for today, because 48 years ago, he was born.
His precious mother was single and unwed (and in those days that was not acceptable).
But she did the most important thing ever, she loved her unborn child, while unsure of the future.
Happy Birthday to my adorable husband, Joe Keith MacDonald…the peanut to my butter 🙂
A few of the reasons I am thankful for Joe:
1. His crazy lyrics to familiar songs
2. When he breaks out into a spontaneous dance
3. He embarrasses my teenager
4. The nightly “tickle shark” that terrorizes my sons
5. And because he loves me just the way I am.