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The word I have chosen as a focus for 2012 is:

At the forefront of my mind with this word is the health of my five year old, “Christian.” He has dealt with so many complications with his hemophilia. In and out of the hospital, painful bleeds, and an ankle that has suffered joint damage.

My hope is that this is the year he has some relief.

My hope is that this year is the year I am able to take my health and well-being to a new level.

My hope is that this year, we begin to heal from the loss of my dear mother-in-law.

But most importantly, my hope is that everything I do is for the Glory of God.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Today I Am Thankful For:

1. Great Performances
2. Naps
3. A day off
4. An understanding boss
5. Tea lights
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