I remember when I was pregnant with my now five year old. It was a difficult pregnancy and I was in and out of the hospital quite a bit. Not only was my husband having to care for our then 10 year old son, but also our cousin who was in high school. It was a very difficult time.
Our church had a ministry that cooked meals for those in need. When the woman who headed up the ministry asked my husband what days he preferred meals to be delivered, he refused. He told her we were too far away and that he would take care of everything. In turn, she said, “When I am standing before God and He asks me why I didn’t follow through with my ministry, I am going to have to tell him that Joe MacDonald would not let me.” Needless to say, Joe agreed to deliveries of meals for several weeks. They helped us out so much. It was a huge blessing.
I have a really hard time receiving gifts. Sounds crazy, I know. Don’t get me wrong, I love a beautifully wrapped present for my birthday, Mother’s Day, and at Christmas, but when someone does something out of the blue for me, I have a hard time with it.
Tonight I received a gift that meant a lot.
A church member, who is a massage therapist, has wanted to “work on me” for several months. We finally found a time and last night I went for a soak and massage “on her.” It was absolutely fantastic (and so needed)! It’s not that she offered her services to me gratis, but the fact that she reached out to me. She is what I call an “oozer.” She has a light that radiates from her. I describe her as an “Earth Mama” with a spirit open to the universe around her. She is way cool.
When she was working on me, I felt an energy from her. I know it was love. She gave of her time and talent freely to a person who was in need of a little spiritual renewal. I believe God tapped her on the shoulder and whispered in her ear to give of herself.
I am so glad she listened.
Today I Am Thankful For:
1. a great steak
2. smells of peppermint
3. mismatched tennis shoes
4. Fabuloso
5. magazines