I am stuck.
My job as a member of a national healthcare team (we care for folks with bleeding disorders) is great. Hours are flexible, I can work in my jammies if I want to (I never do), and the traveling is minimal. I work from my home office, but 90% of the time I work from my office at the church. It allows me to be around people and have a “place to go.”
It can be a lonely place….working from home. You also have to be a self starter and a self motivator. Satan can sure play with me on this one.
My team has a daily, morning, conference call and we tell each other what our “top three” for the day will be. It keeps us accountable and we know where everyone is physically at, since most of the team travels quite a bit.
It’s just hard to feel connected sometimes.
I am finding that I need to rely on God and the Word more, but Satan has other plans. He gets hold of me and keeps God at bay. I hear things such as, “You could be doing more, You are not performing to the best of your potential, etc.”
I just need to be stronger.
When Satan gets in my head and starts speaking those untruths, I find myself saying out loud, “Get away, Satan! Stop it!”
It’s amazing how that helps 🙂
Today I Am Thankful For:
1. The sounds of video games
2. Building bridges and forts out of blankets in the living room
3. Empty air fresheners
4. Apple juice
5. Crushed ice