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When you have a child with a bleeding disorder, making plans is almost funny.  It’s as if you are tempting fate and asking for a bleed to happen.

We had planned on taking a few days to get away to Santa Fe (an hour away) to recharge and get ready for the New Year.  But as fate would have it, the day after Christmas, “Christian” developed a knee bleed.  Thankfully we caught it in a good amount of time and he did not endure a great deal of pain.

I am not one to let a bleeding disorder stop my son/our family from living, but sometimes you just need to “raise the white flag” and do what you need to do.

It’s not about where you go or the money you spend in having fun, it’s about the time you spend with your family.  Lasting memories are made at Disneyworld, but they are also made in the comfort of your home.

I pray that the year 2013 brings you and your family great peace and joy.
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