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I mentioned in an earlier post that we all have “something” in our lives that we deal with. A sick child, a broken marriage, financial problems that seem to never go away, an ill parent, a job you don’t necessarily love, or even a broken relationship.

I have two children that struggle with Hemophilia. My three year old struggles the most. Even this past weekend (following his week long stay in the hospital) he had a pretty bad ankle bleed. We infuse every 2 hours, then every four hours, so it never ends.

He has to be carried to the potty, he can’t walk and he just doesn’t understand why.

It breaks my heart and it is exhausting. Sometimes I think I can’t go on…but I do with the strength God gives me.

I think back to what someone who used to be close to me said, “You shouldn’t have another child, you can barely deal with the one you have.”

Those words hurt deeply. For years I thought they were true until my suprise came 10years after my oldest was born! What a joy he has been. I can’t imagine life without both of my boys, hemophilia and all.

How does that saying go, “That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” ??

I think the bottom line is that God is with us in all that we do. He is with us in every single detail of our lives. From the good to the ugly to the heart breaking.

Today I Am Thankful For:

1. my marriage to a wonderful man
2. ice cream cake
3. movie night
4. dirty carpet
5. hemophilia