Faith is…
thanking God when I am left with shattered plans, that He has better plans. Pamela Reeve
I’ve been thinking alot about my past. (I think it has something to do with turning 40 this year.) I have had my share of obstacles, and life has not necessarily been easy, but you know what? I wouldn’t change a thing!
When I think about the “perfect life” I had planned, I had no idea I was giving God a great big, belly laugh!
I had plans of living in the big city, children with no health problems, great family relationships, plenty of money in the bank…..and the list can go on. It cracks me up that I actually live in the desert. I mean, I am a city girl who lives with a flock of buzzards in my tree! However, my childern are healthy, despite their hemophilia. That can be a challenge, but it’s all about perspective. I have a family member who won’t speak to me anymore…I never dreamed we would have strife between us, but only the Lord can heal that broken relationship. As for money in the bank…we continue to work on that. With my husband in Seminary and traveling to Denver once a week, it proves to be difficult, but I know the Lord has blessed us with the financial ability to see this through for my husband.
What is perfect? I don’t think there is a such thing. I do know that we must have faith in all things. Faith that the next right thing will happen despite our situation. Faith that God will never leave us hanging out to dry. Faith that when we put our trust in Him the absolute best will happen for us.
I pray that you have faith in your life. Faith in Jesus. Faith in all things good.
Today I Am Thankful For:
1. preparing to get carpal tunnel surgery (TODAY)
2. digital clocks in the night
3. growling stomaches
4. small, wooden boxes
5. an abundance of books
Yeah…I had different plans,too. But I am so grateful that God had His plans already set in motion for me!
Yeah…I had different plans,too. But I am so grateful that God had His plans already set in motion for me!