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The past two weeks have been a nightmare. I took my 10 month old to Houston to get his circumcision. It had been planned before we moved, so we honored the schedule. He had complications and would not stop bleeding. He developed an inhibitor, which does not allow his clotting factor to work (he has severe hemophilia).

The nurses had to use an ultrasound machine to find his veins for an IV. It was horrible. The doctor wanted to insert a port-a-cath in his chest for easier access (my older son had one), so this kept us in the hospital for awhile.

I am the first one to say that God does not give us more than we can handle, but I definitely did begin to wonder while in Houston. Why this was happening to my sweet boy?

I felt God’s love and prescence like no other time in my life at that hospital. Our church families from Houston and New Mexico were just wonderful.

I am now realizing what all has happened. It’s almost like it was a really bad dream.

I think as Moms, most of us deal with the problem, find the solution, follow through and get emotional later. That’s what’s happening to me.

No worries, though. It all happened the way and time it was supposed to. My family is happy and healthy. What more can you ask for during the Christmas season?

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1