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Appointment is Set!

I made a few calls, talked to someone I knew at the Denver HTC and we have an appointment for “Christian” on December 14th. I am so relieved that he will be seen sooner rather than later. He is having a bleed in his hand that is taking some time to heal,...

A Huge Realization

It was great to be back at the NHF Annual Meeting this year. We were not able to attend last year, so we have really been looking forward to Chicago. We had a great time, did lots of walking and enjoyed catching up with old friends and making new ones.My husband and I...

It Never Fails

Our family is preparing to travel to Chicago for the National Hemophilia Foundation’s Annual Meeting. And what happens? “Christian” is having a bleed in his left foot and is starting a nasty cough. It never fails that something happens as we are...

I’m Just Amazed

I have a Facebook account. I normally check in during the evenings, but sometimes I get messages during the day when someone posts to a couple of the groups I belong to. One of those groups is “Living With Hemophilia and Inhibitors.” I was reading through...

I know, I know….

I should never say this aloud or even write it, but hemophilia has really been behaving in our house lately.”Lance” had a bleed around his knee (soft tissue) several weeks ago and it was a wake up call for him to get back to his regular infusing schedule...

The School Nurse

Yes, I think my “Christian” has become a regular at the school nurse. Part of the problem is that his teachers are still pretty nervous about hemophilia. When in doubt, off to the clinic! Don’t get me wrong, I would much rather he go to the clinic...