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How Many Medic Alert’s Have You Purchased?

When you have a medical condition, it is imperative that you wear a Medical Alert type of emblem. You can find them at the drugstore or by visiting my oldest was little, I would put his medical bracelet on his backpack, then his shoelaces. Now...

To Play Ball or Not to Play Ball?

My “Christian” is the kind of boy who is going to love being on a team. He is “made” for sports. I am afraid the day will come when I am having to direct him to another sport other than football. He’s just that way.I’ve not had...

The Inhibitor Journey

My “Christian”, who is five, has a high titer inhibitor. When he was first diagnosed, during his circumcision at 11 months of age, the inhibitor registered over 2,200 Bethesda units! It’s now down to 41.It’s been a long journey, and the journey...


I just did a four day stint in the hospital with my “Christian.” He had an extremely bad ankle bleed. It’s his target joint. He stopped walking on Monday, May 9th and finally walked on his own on Sunday, May 15th. It was very painful. When you watch...

Is Hemophilia Ever “Easy?”

My initial thought is “NEVER!” But when you have more than one child with the same bleeding disorder (and severity), you see the differences. Sometimes one brother’s hemophilia is easier to manage than the other’s.It doesn’t make either...

Day and Night

My boys are like day and night.”Lance” is 14, creative, artistic, musical and cares nothing about sports (unless it’s on the Wii).”Christian” is 5, loves Thomas the Train, anything with wheels, being in the dirt and it looks like he will...