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The Wee Hours

I’m sitting here in Glorieta, NM anticipating the big day for my husband. I can’t sleep!All of his years of hard work have come to this moment.He has answered his call.He stepped out in faith in a huge way to do the Lord’s work.It is the right time.I...

He’s Finished!

Three years ago, our family began a journey…seminary. But the kicker was that my husband had to travel to Denver once a week to get his degree. We live two hours from the airport, so traveling takes a big commitment. Especially once a week.My husband has been...

A Privledge

What a privledge I had this weekend to speak to a group of parents in Montana about parenting and bleeding disorders. It was great! The audience participated and had great comments that were encouraging for each other (I was worried they wouldn’t talk…they...

Being Called

When you use the word “called” often time people think you are crazy or that it just applies to “ministry.” I don’t think that’s true. I think everyone is called to do something. To create, to write, to learn, to parent, to teach,...

Wonderful News!

I am so excited! Our hematologist called today and Christian’s inhibitor levels are the lowest they have ever been! It looks like the chemo is working!All of the trips, all of the money, all of the waiting, all of the crying and doubt about whether or not we...

It’s just amazing…

It’s just amazing.Just over a month ago we were robbed. It seems life an eternity has passed. Soon after, we received the call that moved us to T or C (Truth or Consequences) and almost three weeks later, in our new town, we feel as if we have been here...