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Let Go (part 1 of 4)

Someone recently gave me a handout with some great words on “letting go”. It is almost too much to take in at once, so I am going to unpack it over a few weeks. Here’s the first part:To “let go” does not mean to stop caring; it means I...

Precious in His Sight

When I lived in Houston, I had several opportunities to hear Beth Moore teach at Houston’s First Baptist Church (my home away from home as a musician and young college student). I had always heard of her but didn’t really know who she was until I was in my...

Wondrous Love

I popped in a CD I haven’t listened to in a very long time, “Prayer and Plainsong” by Cynthia Clawson. She is absolutely phenomenal! Her spin on hymns spoils you because when you do sing out of the hymnal, you want to sing the “Cynthia...

One of Those Days

You ever have one of those days that just pushed you to the limit every time you turned around?That was today. I don’t feel like talking much about it right now, but I know that Satan had a field day with me today. I was so busy and overwhelmed and angry at a...