by cazmac9910 | Jul 13, 2010 | Family, God's love, Oozing
Yesterday I posted about being a bit selfish. How I wish my “normal” was a bit like everyone else’s.Then came Bux.As I was getting ready to leave yesterday morning, a little puppy wandered up. He would not leave me alone. Now he has a bowl, a chew...
by cazmac9910 | Jul 8, 2010 | Children, God's love, Oozing
Our church is pretty small. One adult Sunday school class on Sunday mornings, a few children in the congregation, and many snowbirds make up our congregants.A fellow Methodist church in Las Cruces has come on a mission trip to lead Vacation Bible School in our little...
by cazmac9910 | Jul 1, 2010 | Children, God's love, gratitude, Hemophilia, Living Life; prayer, Oozing
I took my Christian to see the surgeon this morning, and he said that the port needs to come out…Friday! The doctor will place a PICC line for temporary access until the site heals and in a few weeks we go back for a new port (and a lengthier hosital stay).On...
by cazmac9910 | Jun 16, 2010 | Children, God's love, gratitude, Hemophilia, Oozing
When things are out of your hands, what do you do? Wait.We are having to wait for Christian’s port to heal so that we can use it when we leave the hospital. Otherwise, we would not be able to infuse him when needed.Patience.Something my Dad had quite a bit of...
by cazmac9910 | Jun 14, 2010 | God's love, gratitude, Hemophilia, Living Life; prayer, Oozing
After camp my life went in a different direction.I’m still not home.Last Friday the guys met me for lunch after camp in Albuquerque before I had to fly out to Wisconsin to speak at a bleeding disorders event. Christian started having a bleed and some problems...
by cazmac9910 | Jun 9, 2010 | Children, God's love, gratitude, Hemophilia, Oozing
I feel like I’ve been hit over the head with a 2 x 4.I am at Camp Sangre Valiente ( a camp for children with bleeding disorders and their siblings). I am so out of my element that it is almost too much to bear.The first day I wanted to run away! I am not...