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The Simple Things

I am working from my home office today, all the doors are open, I hear the birds singing and eating from the birdfeeder, there is not a cloud in the sky, the breeze is making its way through the house, I have my computer on on the Baroque station, glass of...

Making Himself Known

Last night, the Bible study group I’ve been leading ended for the semester. We studied “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.” It is a wonderful study. I highly recommend it.But last night, we never left question #1! It was a powerful evening.We...

The Only Person on Earth

I am preparing a sermon for next Sunday. My text is from the book of Ruth. It’s a wonderful story and the love Ruth shows for Naomi is amazing. Ruth goes to a foreign land with Naomi, accepts her people, her homeland and her God as her own.She gave everything up...


Do you ever have those dreams that when you wake up felt so incredibly real?I’ve had a couple of those recently…about my mom.My mom passed away when my Lance, who is 13, was five weeks old. It was a terrible time. I had a newborn, diagnosed with a bleeding...


“Loneliness can be God’s call to fellowship with Him.”My mind is a dangerous neighborhood to walk by myself. You know what I mean? It’s a great place for Satan to take root.I was cleaning the kitchen, no one else at home, and I started to...


I am traveling to Kansas City today for a team meeting. I work with an amazing group of people who are spread out across the country. We meet in person quarterly, but talk as a group daily.I always get nervous when I am about to see everyone. I begin to doubt what I...