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The Journey

“The holiest moment of the church service is the moment when God’s people go out of the church door into the world to be the Church.” –Ernest Southeon Isn’t that a great quote?  And isn’t it even better when we are part of that mission, to go...

The Card Fairy

When my husband and I were dating, many, many years ago, the “Card Fairy” would often visit him (and me).  She would show up on the seat of the car, on the windshield after work, in the mailbox or even accompanied by flowers…you just never knew when...

Stop! Be Still!

We don’t stop.  Our lives are filled with craziness and we just keep moving from one thing to the next.  Work is busy, the kids schedules keep us hopping and our church ministry is ongoing.  Teaching a bible study, making dinner, getting homework done….it just...


One of my new roles at our church is head of the Worship Committee.  This committee ensures that every part of the worship experience is thought through for each service.  Are the bread and juice ready and set out on the altar, is the music playing at the appropriate...