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Hit Over the Head

I feel like I’ve been hit over the head with a 2 x 4.I am at Camp Sangre Valiente ( a camp for children with bleeding disorders and their siblings). I am so out of my element that it is almost too much to bear.The first day I wanted to run away! I am not...

The Wee Hours

I’m sitting here in Glorieta, NM anticipating the big day for my husband. I can’t sleep!All of his years of hard work have come to this moment.He has answered his call.He stepped out in faith in a huge way to do the Lord’s work.It is the right time.I...


My mother-in-law, Ruby, is a gem.We haven’t seen her in several months due to the fact that she had knee surgery. She comes at least every six weeks for a visit. She can’t stand to not see her grandsons :)We saw her this weekend as she was coming through...

He’s Finished!

Three years ago, our family began a journey…seminary. But the kicker was that my husband had to travel to Denver once a week to get his degree. We live two hours from the airport, so traveling takes a big commitment. Especially once a week.My husband has been...


A full pantry and freezer.Gas in the car.Money in savings.Children laughing.A full belly after a homecooked meal.A comfortable bed.Watching birds at the birdfeeder.A happy spouse.Reading a good book.11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to...