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Back too Soon?

On Wednesday, January 30th, “Christian” woke up with swollen knee.  We went to get it checked out at the HTC and he was admitted to the hospital.  We were able to go home on Sunday, February 3rd with the understanding that we continued to keep...

A Bad Attitude

I had such a yucky day on Tuesday.  I wasn’t feeling good, I had to work and I had zero energy.  And to top everything off I had to teach Bible Study in the evening. The absolute last thing I felt like doing was teaching Bible Study. I mean I was in the kind of...


Don’t you just love when you put your child with a bleeding disorder to bed and you’re thinking how grateful you are for an uneventful day?  Then when he wakes up the next morning and he can’t walk because his knee is blown up.Yes, this is life with hemophilia...

It Never Ends…

We are finally back to dosing “Christian” once a day. Monday is coming and he will be back at school (with a wheelchair for a few days)! He wakes up this morning with a lump over his eye…he fell out of bed and hit the nightstand… It just...

A New Target Joint

So much for “Christian” getting back to school after Christmas vacation…He is having a pretty significant knee bleed. Just when we thought things were going well and we were looking forward to “schedule”. And it looks like it is...

Moving Forward

I am called to ministry. I have definitely felt God’s call since my family moved to New Mexico six years ago. My biggest question is how to live out that calling. Most people would think that being the wife of a pastor would be enough…it’s just not....