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I know, I know….

I should never say this aloud or even write it, but hemophilia has really been behaving in our house lately.”Lance” had a bleed around his knee (soft tissue) several weeks ago and it was a wake up call for him to get back to his regular infusing schedule...

A Speaking Gig!

I am really excited about this weekend! I’ll be speaking at an event in Fargo, North Dakota on Saturday. I’ll be at the “Dakotas Retreat” for famiies with bleeding disorders presenting “From Doubt to Joy – Making the Most of Every...

No Control

I have been sick for over two weeks, been to the doctor three times and the emergency room twice…. I officially had pneumonia and landed in the hospital for four days. I am finally home where I belong :)Sometimes it takes extreme circumstances to make you slow down...

Slowing Down

So. Incredibly. Sick.I’ve been in bed for four days. Four days of daytime television. Four days of keeping my distance from my family. I did work a good part of the day today, from bed, and I am exhausted. The only cure for my illness, other than some great...


I don’t like change. It is inevitable. But I still don’t like it. We are having some pretty major issues with the deterioration of our current Hemophilia Treatment Center. It is very scary, especially when the next closest one is at least six hours away....

So much….

I have so much going on in my head and heart right now that I can’t even put things into words. I’ll be back soon…Today I Am Thankful For:1. Delayed flights2. A great business meeting3. A good steak4. Smell good lotion5. Polka dots