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Thinking About Prayer

Prayer.  I often beat myself up because I feel like I do not spend enough time in prayer.  Yes, I know, prayer is not simply sitting in silence and conversing with God.  It can be so much more. Prayer is seeing something beautiful and taking a moment to savor its...


I went to church tonight to experience “prayer stations”.  Throughout the church, stations were set up that gave each participant new ways to think about prayer.  One station was a scrabble board and you were encouraged to form words that represented God...

Have You Prayed About It?

So often I get going in my daily routine and by the end of the day some things are laying heavy on me.  “If only I had given this issue some serious prayer….”  I have been establishing my morning routine of prayer and devotion but sometimes, I feel as if I...


Today I am off to Wisconsin to speak at a Couple’s Retreat.  The couples are all affected by a bleeding disorder and my mission is to bring a positive, uplifting message as a parent of children with a bleeding disorder.  This is my passion!  Preaching God’s word and...

You Just Want to Shake Them

Moving on after the death of someone close to you is very difficult. If you have a spouse, children, close friendships, you can manage. But when your life is tied up into one person and they are suddenly taken away…what do you do? How do you help them move...

A Speaking Gig!

I am really excited about this weekend! I’ll be speaking at an event in Fargo, North Dakota on Saturday. I’ll be at the “Dakotas Retreat” for famiies with bleeding disorders presenting “From Doubt to Joy – Making the Most of Every...