Have you ever become complacent about anything? You know, just take things for granted? I have come face to face with complacency these past two weeks. My sons live with hemophilia. My oldest, Lance, has never had complications. We just treat his condition and go about our business. No problems. Until August 25th when he developed a pretty serious bleed.
All of a sudden, right between the eyes, it hit me. “Oh, yeah, my son has hemophilia!”
Something else I have been complacent about is the time I spend with God. When things are going well, and I go about my business, the kids are well, my husband is good, I’m feeling fine, I “forget” to spend my quality time with the Lord.
He waits on me everyday. But do I show up everyday?
I am getting better at protecting my time with God. When I have my quiet time and spend time in His word, my day is just better.
Have you become complacent about anthing ? Are you protecting your quiet time with God?
Things I Am Thankful For:
1. Seeing Lance’s injury begin to heal
2. top quality medical care
3. temperatures in the 80’s
4. Beth Moore
5. exfoliating lotion