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Resolutions!  Words!  Promises!  Whatever you call it we all look forward to the beginning of a new year.  If last year was filled with pain and disappointments you will most definitely look forward to what the year has in store.  I mean, it has to get better…right?  If last year was filled with amazing opportunities you may be wondering, “How in the world can this year be any better?”

Honestly, I feel like 2015 was a fantastic year for me and my family and I do find myself being a little apprehensive about the year to come.  I have plenty of things that I want to improve on and always find myself doubting what I can do before I even give myself the chance!

Why do we do that?

Today is January 3rd.  If you planned on “reading the Bible in a year” and were not able to read yesterday, do you just give up?  Why can’t you start again today or tomorrow?  Isn’t every day that you are successful better than giving up before you have really given yourself a chance?

God’s mercies are new every morning!  I am sure grateful for that.  Every day we are given is a fresh start, a “new year” if you will.  If all I can do is focus on one day at a time, then that day will be better and so will I.  If I manage to “read my Bible” 300 days of the year I would say that sure is better than if I had completely given up.

I have a lot of plans this year and all I can do is commit to one day at a time.  No more beating myself up.

God loves us just as we are, right in this moment.

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”  Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)

Today I Am Thankful For

  1. A long trail ride on a perfect New Mexico day 🙂
  2. Fleece jackets
  3. Warm showers
  4. An amazing church family
  5. routine