This past weekend, my husband and I celebrated seventeen years of marriage. It seems like we have been together forever (in a good way).
I was too young at the time to know the kind of love that I experience with him now. We have traveled many paths together, loved our children, and created new lives for ourselves in a new place (a few times).
The way we spent our weekend was perfecft. We drove up to Santa Fe (one of our favorite places) and spent the day in the square shopping, went to the movies with the boys and ended the day on the Storybook Train.
The train took us a few miles out of Santa Fe, stopped under the night sky and a storyteller came out and read The Polar Express to all the children. Then hot chocolate and cookies were served and the evening finished with a visit from Santa! He even passed out jingle bells from his reindeer. My Christian was thrilled!
It’s these precious moments in life that make everything worthwhile.
I love you, Joe.
Today I Am Thankful For:
1. hot tea
2. sweatshirts
3. baking yet to come
4. push pins
5. fresh flowers