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“Christian’s” knee has been swollen since January.  Bleed after bleed early this year and it just never seems to get back to a “normal” size.  He has needed to depend on his wheelchair more than I have liked, but when his classroom is at one end of the school and the cafeteria at the other, his knee can’t take the long distances.

He’s just seven years old.

He is in summer school four days a week and has been in the wheelchair and today he wanted to not use it.  His knee looked better than it has in several weeks, so we let him walk.  I had a little twinge of doubt deep down in my gut, and I didn’t listen.

And then the 891 exchange came up on my caller id…it was the school…Christian fell right on his knee.

Here we go again, infusing every 4 hours, Cryo Cuff, RICE…..we know the drill but it sure would be nice for him (and all of us) to get a break.

We just do what we know how to do.
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