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something new

If you look up the word “introvert” in the dictionary, my picture just may be right alongside the definition.  Despite the passion I have for public speaking and preaching, I am truly a person who would rather be alone or with those I know well.  Meeting new people is an extremely anxiety driven event for me and I try to always have someone I know well with me if possible.

But when there is something I want to do or try, I never let the anxiousness of a new situation hold me back from participating.  I think my Dad is alive in me that way because he always told me that there was nothing I couldn’t do if I gave it a try.

I’ve traveled across the country to attend a speakers and writers conference not knowing a soul and did something this past weekend that has changed me.  I attended the Green River Writer’s Workshop. 

The workshop had ten writers participating.  Some have published books, others are actively working on a book or poetry project and some are finding their voice.  It was a very unique, eclectic group and I am so glad I went.  Everyone had the opportunity to read a portion of their writing and “seeing” their hearts exposed was truly a beautiful experience.

I participated with my whole heart and received validation that my process and plan for my book are very good (yes, I am writing a book) 🙂  It was encouraging to hear people that did not know me give me valuable feedback and encouragement.  I am so blessed to have met and learned from Gerry and Lorre Hausman and Alice Carney this weekend.

That’s what happens when you step out in faith…God always meets you, holds you up and loves you no matter what.

When is the last time you stepped out in faith?

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. Rain
  2. Naps
  3. Northern New Mexico
  4. Pizza
  5. encouragement