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I feel like my life began when my oldest son, “Lance,” was born 14 years ago. I remember the doctor laying him on my chest and not being able to breathe. I was so overcome with emotion that I did not know how to respond. Tears were flowing and I felt as if my heart was about to come out of my chest.

I also remember when I was pregnant with Lance, talking to my husband and saying, “What if he’s not musical?” His father and I are classically trained musicians, so the thought did enter my mind and I wondered “Wouldn’t that be odd?”

Lance is a freshman and made the New Mexico All-State Treble Choir this year. Yes, the treble choir. His voice has not changed, but that did not seem to matter. He was selected as one of 200 voices (he is the only male) in the choir.

This week he has been in rehearsals in preparation for the All-State Concert this Saturday. He was selected as one of 6 in his choir to be featured in a sextet in the opening piece!

I guess he turned out to be musical 🙂

He is a typical 14 year old (doesn’t pick up after himself very well, loses things, not much motivation, loves his electronics) but when he opens his mouth to sing………I almost don’t know who he is! It’s just angelic!

Just the other night we were having a pretty intense discussion about responsibility and school work, etc. and then two days later, he’s a superstar!

I know he has been given an amazing gift. The gift of music. The gift to express himself in a way that not everyone is able.

It’s times like this when I want to grab every bully who has ever mistreated him by the neck and say, “Look at this amazing person! How in the world could you be ugly to him? God has blessed him in an amazing way how could you not see the person he is?”

But I know the truth, that all things happen for reasons. That the things my Lance has had to endure have made him stronger. I pray he will continue to be compassionate and caring to others and most importantly that the bullies of the world will get a clue one day.

Today I Am Thankful For:

1. Having a heart overflowing with emotion
2. Facebook friends with their encouragement and kind words
3. Gloves
4. Priceline
5. Mason jars

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