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Today was our first Sunday in worship at FUMC Belen. This is where my husband is now serving as pastor. We experienced our first “parking lot” service which was tons of fun! We were welcomed with signs, balloons, and well wishes from those attending in their cars. We also had a second service in the sanctuary. Everyone was great about wearing masks and distancing and it was wonderful. But I am a little sad.

This is also my first Sunday as the pastor for St. Paul’s UMC in Socorro. My congregation is not meeting in person, so I recorded a sermon and posted a worship guide for my congregation. For my church not having anything in place before my arrival, this is a start, but I missed connecting with my congregation in the traditional sense.

I am not starting my ministry in Socorro the way I envisioned. Meeting people, breaking bread in worship, perhaps having a potluck after service…all those things are not possible right now. Being a pastor is not easy work and being the leader of a congregation during a pandemic is exhausting. I am not sure how those who have been in congregations since March are handling the extra that needs to happen. Masks, gloves, do we worship in person or strictly online, how do we celebrate communion, etc. Even though I am a pastor’s wife and have watched my husband pastor during COVID-19, being in the shoes of the clergy with my own appointment is opening my eyes.

Be in prayer for your church and your pastor as well as the leadership for your church. These are crazy times that can sometimes bring out the worst in people. My hope is that we will all weather this pandemic as well as possible and be together soon.

My heart is full yet a bit heavy. I know that God holds me close just as he does you.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. The honking of “Amens!”
  2. Friendly, eager faces
  3. Lunch with friends
  4. Naps
  5. Fresh pico de gallo