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I am preparing a sermon for next Sunday. My text is from the book of Ruth. It’s a wonderful story and the love Ruth shows for Naomi is amazing. Ruth goes to a foreign land with Naomi, accepts her people, her homeland and her God as her own.

She gave everything up with no clue of what to expect in the future due to the love she had for her mother in law, Naomi.


The more I read and study, the more I see love shown in the Bible. I start to think about the love I have in my life…my husband, my sons…my family…it’s overwhelming.

What is more overwhelming is that Jesus would have been willing to die on the cross if you or I were the only person on earth.

That’s intense.

God sent his only son to die just for me and you to wipe the slate clean and forgive us of our sins. And it wasn’t an “easy” death. It was horrific. When you think about what Jesus went through for us that, too, is overwhelming.

Do you realize how much the God of the universe loves you?

Today I Am Thankful For:

1. granola bars
2. webcams
3. speaker phones
4. paper clips
5. sugar free gum