“If you want to grow, you must be willing to change.” Gail Sheehy
Stepping “out of the box.”
It’s scary.
In a few weeks I’ll be stepping “out of the box” in a huge way. I am going to be a camp counselor at hemophilia camp in New Mexico. Something I have never done before. I heard the local chapter was needing another female counselor and God kept bringing it to my heart (you know how He does).
The camp experience has been amazing for my Lance. He has been attending the hemophilia camp (Camp Ailihpomeh) in Texas for the past several years and it has changed him. He learned how to self infuse and take control of his bleeding disorder and he also has stepped “out of the box” and done things he never did before…archery, horseback riding, socializing with other kids with the same health issues he has… It’s been a fantastic experience for him.
I just hope I can be an asset to the kids I work with. I pray that God uses me to touch these kids lives in a positive way.
Are you doing anything that is making you move “outside of the box” this summer?
Today I Am Thankful For:
1. ACE wraps
2. dinosaurs
3. hot dogs on the grill
4. plant food
5. my walking buddies “T” and “C”