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What a day yesterday was! The day after you have been out sick from work is always crazy. Weeding through email, answering requests, re-prioritizing…it all makes for a very busy day.

After a shower and a Wal-Mart pizza, homework loomed. I have two final papers due this week and the absolute last thing I felt like doing was pondering United Methodist Doctrine.

My husband pushed me to stop procrastinating and off I went to the dining room table.

I started trying to work and began tearing up because I had absolutely no desire to even think. I was just exausted. The moment I started getting upset, my husband shouted for my boys and they, in the midst of their craziness, did a cheer. Yes, just like the girls in junior high school, jumps and all!

My family is absolutely crazy! That is exactly what I needed to get my hiney in gear and stop my little “pity party” (I like to throw those parties for myself…hats and everything).

Are you fortunate enough to have a “fan”? I live with three men who are my biggest fans. Even when I am not a fan of myself, they never let me down.

I don’t know what I would do without them.

“Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God.” Philippians 1:3 (The Message)

Today I Am Thankful For:

1. crazy wind
2. old Halloween candy
3. A peanut buttery bagel
4. texting grocery lists (and not being the one at the grocery store)
5. Ziploc bags

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