I need more pre-Christmas. The days leading up to Christmas Day have been filled with a joy and contentment that have been absolutely overwhelming. It has been comforting to be at home with my guys, enjoying the decorated rooms in our home and of course listening to all the wonderful Christmas music that I look forward to every year.
After Christmas I am fortunate to still have a couple of weeks until I go back to school, but that time of year is not quite the same as before Christmas Day. I am glad that in the church calendar we still celebrate the season through the beginning of January. I just love being in my little part of the world.
One of the most precious experiences I’ve had this season was finishing a baby quilt for a good friend’s first grandbaby. It was the first quilt I have completed entirely on my own since I have moved over the summer. It was a rewarding experience simply because I did it on my own and every, single stich was sewn with nothing but love for Miss S and her amazing mom and dad. That is the kind of giving that I cherish the most…completely from the heart. With school and traveling for work I’ve not been able to spend time sewing and creating and this break has given me a boost. I’ve had time to recharge and do some of the things that give me life. I’ve even already started a new quilt.
If you have a few days off for the season, or a couple of weeks, my hope is that you can take a little time to recharge and not run yourself ragged for the holiday. Giving presents is wonderful, but we need to give ourselves a gift as well…the gift of reflection. We need to reflect on this time of year and the importance that it carries in our lives. The season is about the birth of our Savior, the One who created us. The One who never leaves us, no matter how badly we mess up. It’s a time to rededicate ourselves to the important things that surrounds us. Our families and friends, and most importantly our spiritual path.
May God’s peace wrap you snugly this season. His love is magnificent, because, Beloved, you are a treasure.
Today I Am Thankful For:
- Christmas lights
- Scentsy’s Scarlet Woods
- Reading a book for fun
- Smaller clothes
- Raising the white flag and ordering pizza