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Both of my sons have a bleeding disorder, Severe Hemophilia A. My 12 year old has not had major complications or “bleeds” and we have been extremely blessed with his journey with hemophilia.

My little one is another story. Everything that Lance did not experience Christian has. Tonight we went to dinner (Japanese Hibachi! YUM!) and as we were leaving the restaurant, Christian was limping. That’s the thing with hemophilia, a bleed can happen for no reason.

His ankle was swelling so off we went to the apartment to infuse. It will take several infusions over the next few days to clear it up, but fortunately we have medication that can help him.

I get angry with myself because my selfishness rears its ugly head with hemophilia sometimes. I think to myself, “Great. We need to stop everything and infuse.” What I really need to think is, “Great! We can stop and infuse and everything will be okay.” I hate that that side of me comes out. It’s just not pretty.

Am I thrilled and happy that my sons have to deal with this disorder? No. But I do know for sure that God knew the obstacles they would have in their lives and I am privledged enough that He saw me fit to guide them.

“Thank you, Father, for the lives you have entrusted to my care. I am grateful that we have factor to treat their bleeds and enough love and compassion to deal with the things that hemophilia brings our way.”