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My Dad passed away two years ago today. It’s a very special day because forty one years ago today I was brought into this world, and it’s the same day my Dad went home to be with the Lord.

It’s a special day for both of us.

He went home after not being himself for several years and I know he wasn’t happy. He missed my Mom, he missed being himself.

But I am so grateful for the years I had with him. The love he shared with my boys. That he was here to see my Christian and love on him. And for my boys to love him back.

Daddy was a quiet man. He was not one to hug or say “I love you,” but even in his last days when he reached his arm out to me to touch me, that meant the world to me.

The last day I spent with Daddy it was just the two of us in his hospice room. The day before, my husband and oldest son and I made a CD of music for him. We sang, played our instruments and gave him our gift of music one last time. After playing our music I prayed over him and read scripture to him.

It was a very special time that I am grateful for. I was able to say goodbye and love him well.

Gonzalo Campos was my Daddy. I called him “Dude.” I don’t know where that came from but it stuck.

I miss him.

Today I Am Thankful For:

1. good memories
2. new friends
3. clean bathrooms
4. my Swiffer Vac
5. my “Dude”