Yes, 2019, there is a season for everything. I became ill last week and was told I had a double ear infection, sinus infection and throat infection. I had no idea all of that could happen at once, but it did. Two days later I woke up and immediately thought, I’m not feeling better and it’s Friday. I did not want to end up spending the weekend in the emergency room, so I went back to the doctor. After a chest x-ray, I was diagnosed with pneumonia. I don’t have time for pneumonia!
Fortunately, my doctor caught it at a good stage because I have not had that horrible pain you get from coughing that makes it feel like your ribs will break. I’ve been on my medications and fluids and have rested. My hubby came home early from an out of town trip and all is well.
What surprised me is that I listened to myself. For once I didn’t question whether I should go back to the doctor for a second time in only a couple of days. I keep thinking that if I had not listened and waited, my pneumonia would be the rib-breaking kind and my recovery would take much longer. My little voice nudged me and didn’t let me change my mind.
I’m all about nudges. If I feel God nudging me to make a phone call, take a detour, send a card or an email, I do it. There have been too many times that I have regretted not taking a moment to follow through with what my Creator asks of me. But when it comes to my own well-being, that’s another story.
We start the year with great intentions about health and wellness and usually by this time we have already fallen off the wagon and given up. We plan to read the Bible in a year and by day three are already overwhelmed. And as for saving money, it’s just too easy to spend. But, Beloved, we are worth the time. We are worth the time. The crazy thing is that we are often nudged by God to do things for ourselves and immediately think that we are being selfish. We are too busy doing and doing for others that we forget about ourselves.
I have stopped that thinking. It’s only taken me 50 years to get it, but for several months I have been putting myself first. My health is better than it has been in years, I have lost a considerable amount of weight and things are looking great. It is my season and I am listening.
What will it take for you to listen to the desires of your heart? Has God nudged you lately to do one seemingly small thing for yourself that will bring you peace and joy?
You are worth it.
Today I Am Thankful For:
- Kleenex
- Antibiotics
- Kleenex
- Coffee
- Kleenex
Take care of yourself, my friend.
Enjoy your posts of your walk with the Lord and how listening and following His word changes our daily walk.