Reverence is my One Word for 2020. I initially thought about the spiritual aspect of reverence. This would be the year that I got back on track with my time of daily devotion and meditation. Fantastic! But the more I sat with the word I thought about how I could practice the art of reverence with other people. Simply being in community with others and being an active listener.
I was shocked by a moment that I encountered yesterday that oozed reverence. In the wake of the COVID-19 virus, our church put together an abbreviated Sunday worship service via YouTube. Saturday afternoon, me, my husband (the pastor), our song leader/guitarist and pianist met at the church to record the service. I thought it would be a simple going through the motions to put a service online. I am so glad I was wrong.
The service was only 20 minutes, but the time that the four of us spent together, preparing worship for people who would be watching from their homes, was one of the most meaningful experiences I have had in the church. The power of four people coming together was almost too much to comprehend. We prayed together at the end of our time and I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit come over me. It was such a blessing.
It’s not about being in a church building on a Sunday morning with hundreds of people coming in the doors. And it’s not about how much money is collected in the offering plate. It’s about how we are the church…reaching out as the hands and feet of Christ in the world. I experienced the Holy Spirit in a room with three other people, knowing that our work was meant to help others be in communion with the Divine.
May we all find those moments where we see the Holy Spirit alive and active in the world.
Today I Am Thankful For:
- Tamales
- Clear nail polish
- Technology
- File cabinets
- Jack and Robyn