I was recently in a class where the facilitator asked the question, “Where have you seen Jesus in your life?” The room was silent. I was pretty surprised that these beautiful, faithful women had nothing to say. I immediately knew the moment I experienced Jesus in the most real way I could as a person walking this earth.
When I was in my early twenties I was confirmed. I took part in the celebration mass with the Bishop and my church community and when I walked down the aisle and Bishop anointed my head I felt a warmth cover my entire being. It was the presence of the Holy Spirit. I will never forget that moment. It is a time in my life that was filled with hope and excitement for things to come. I didn’t realize how deeply that experience was ingrained into my being.
I encouraged my classmates to think about it in a different way. Here is the question I asked them.
“If you had only 30 seconds left on this earth, what moment would you re live?”
My thinking was that if it is that significant then Jesus must have been involved.
That seemed to perk them up. Perhaps these women thought that seeing Jesus in their life had to be a mountain top experience. Maybe they haven’t had that kind of revelation in their lives, but Jesus has been with them…they just may have not seen him at that moment.
My 30 seconds, without doubt would be the moment my first son was born. Seeing him lifted up by the doctor screaming at the top of his lungs with wild, black, crazy hair…and the moment he was laid on my chest. I couldn’t breathe. I thought I was going to suffocate and couldn’t understand why. How could I fall in love at first sight with this beautiful creature?
Those are my 30 amazing seconds…what are yours?
Today I Am Thankful For
- Photographers
- Lamps
- Sunday lunch
- Snow flurries
- wishes