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How my son with hemophilia has found a way to overcome ‘senioritis’

One measure of health when living with hemophilia

Originally published by Hemophilia News Today, April 3, 2024 What do AA batteries, binder clips, bread ties, lip balm, pens and pencils, pliers, a glue gun, and a measuring tape have in common? They’re all items in my kitchen junk drawer. It’s a chaotic place that...
All About Grace

All About Grace

Recently, I went before the Board of Ordained Ministry of the New Mexico Conference of the United Methodist Church and was recommended for ordination in June! This means an official vote will take place at Annual Conference, and then I will be ordained. I thought I...
A New Path

A New Path

I always thought that my calling as a deacon would be lived out speaking and educating the rare disease community. One of my favorite places to be is in front of a group of families with bleeding disorders, offering hope and encouragement. This is true deacon work...