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I always thought that my calling as a deacon would be lived out speaking and educating the rare disease community. One of my favorite places to be is in front of a group of families with bleeding disorders, offering hope and encouragement. This is true deacon work without all the churchy language.

For the past three years, I have served a church as a pastor in a part-time capacity. This role is not necessarily a “deacon” role, yet there are times deacons fill pastoral positions. These three years at St. Paul’s Socorro have been filled with joy, love, and learning. Lots of learning. It is during my time at St. Paul’s that I discovered where God is leading me to serve.

I am leaving the pulpit to serve as a full-time hospice chaplain. I received a beautiful gift in walking one the home of a church member earlier this year. On the numerous visits to his home, I talked and listened not only to the gentleman but also to the family. Helping them through his death is one of the most sacred experiences I’ve had in my life. This is when I felt the Spirit nudge me hard and say, “This, Beloved, is where you are needed.”

After completing my first unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), I was hooked! This learning has helped me not only in the realm of hospice work but in being present for members of my congregation and family. I am looking forward to unit two, which begins in a few weeks. My plan is to complete all four units and work toward becoming a Board Certified Chaplain.

I am 54 years old and finally figuring out where I need to be in the world. All my life experiences are bringing me to this time. Sometimes I wish I had stuck with teaching and I would be approaching retirement; however, God had other plans. One of my peers in CPE just completed their fourth unit at age 65. They have also listened to the calling of the Holy Spirit, and they give me hope for the journey on which I am about to embark.

Age is a number. God does not count age as a factor in following God’s will. I am living proof. If you have a prayer to spare, I would appreciate it as I begin this new journey.

I pray you are well and surrounded by people who love you. I pray that you are able to listen to the nudging of the Spirit. You may be surprised at where you are led. Stepping out in faith is not easy, but it sure is rewarding.