In our home we call our Thanksgiving meal our Thanksgiving “feast”. Every few weeks when we are craving good Mexican food I am summoned to prepare a Mexican “feast”. My family knows how to feast….it’s not a term we throw around lightly.
This past week I read a devotional by my friend Micca Campbell that resonated with me in a tremendous way. She shares how her busy life has turned her mornings with Jesus into a mere “cup of coffee” instead of a “breakfast feast.”
I understand that too well.
But more often than not I am not even having coffee.
The days that I am running around with work and appointments often lead me to sleeping until the very last moment and when my feet hit the ground I am running. I also don’t like the days where I have not eaten a single meal in my home. Then I feel physically yucky and worn out. This is truly a sign that I need to slow down.
I have had some difficult things thrown at me in the past couple of months and not stopping to feast with Jesus every day is starting to affect me. I want to be a good example to my family and show them that living a life filled with the love and spirit of Christ is what I strive to do on a daily basis. It goes back to the whole “oozing” mentality. The light of Christ will not show through me if I am not filling myself up with His word.
That is the truth.
Today is a new day and I know this week is going to be filled with amazing things:
- A long weekend is coming up.
- I am starting to teach a new Bible Study on the 2nd.
- I have a week in the office to get quite a bit of work completed.
- My perspective and focus is becoming more clear.
- And my family is doing very well.
Thank you Jesus for blessing me and never leaving me. Even when the world takes me away, you never leave. I am your girl. I depend on you and will live a life pleasing to you. I am looking forward to feasting with you in the days to come.
Today I Am Thankful For:
- On time flights
- An organized kitchen pantry
- weeds
- 3rd grade homework
- A Sunday afternoon Bible study with a friend