It is so hot! I am just thankful I don’t live in Houston anymore and have to deal with the humidity. I’ll take the dry heat here in New Mexico any day:) Since moving into our new home, I’ve not paid any attention to the plants in my backyard. I went out to water them and it was just amazing how dry they were. They soaked up the water faster than the water hose could deliver. I had not spent time taking care of those poor plants. I put other things in front of needing to give them water and as a result of my negligence, they do not look very good. I’ve been so concerned with packing and unpacking that my spiritual life has been like my poor plants. Dry, dry, dry. I’ve not put the necessary time into my relationship with Christ that I need to put in in order to be full. To be fed. To find and feel the peace that I crave. I know our family has been led to the right place as my husband assumed the pastoral duties at Rio Rancho UMC this week. My heart has been stirred to work with the women of the congregation and I know that diving into my ministry is going to help the “drought” in my spirit. Today I Am Thankful For: 1. peanuts 2. nails 3. pasta 4. a new necklace 5. laundry rooms