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Murphys Law

If it can go wrong, it will…and never at a good time.

This past week was definitely filled with events, one after the other, that brought crazy challenges to my life.  Fortunately nothing involved my sons and hemophilia 🙂

I fell on an icy spot in our driveway and really messed up my elbow, knees and hit the back of my head….and had to go to Urgent Care twice in the same evening.  My husband was out of town, my bank account went haywire, I had to put finishing touches on a sermon I was to preach as well as tweak four additional sessions/sermons for a women’s retreat I was leading out of town….and I wanted to make a pie for my husband’s birthday (the day I was leaving for the retreat) and the oven started to act up, again.

I honestly thought I would have to cancel going to the retreat with the pain I was in from my fall.

One thing after another….it just didn’t stop.  I was feeling defeated like I never had before.

I could easily say it was “Murphy’s Law” but it was more than that.  I felt like the enemy was attacking me!  I was preparing to share five messages over the weekend that proclaimed the Good News that God had put on my heart and I truly believe they were words that needed to be heard and the enemy pulled out the stops.

But he didn’t win 🙂

Can I hear an “Amen”?!

Somehow or another, with my elbow iced and wrapped and taking plenty of medication,  I managed to make it to lead the women’s retreat four hours away (fortunately my good friend “M” was with me).  And I preached to a small congregation near my home this morning.

Yes, I collapsed about 2 pm but it felt great.


When God puts a call on our lives and a message to share in our hearts we have to make sure that we do everything we can to get the message out!  I don’t mean that everyone has a sermon to “preach”, it just may be that the sermon that needs to be shared is how you live your life and treat others around you.

That kind of living is the best preaching around.  Let the light of Christ shine in your every action.  Be intentional when you are out in the world because the person who needs to hear the Gospel may be right next to you in line at the store or sit in the cubicle next to you at work.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. Ice packs
  2. chicken salad
  3. French bread
  4. an organized pantry
  5. paper cutters