The joys of moving…the smell of boxes, tape on the floors, dust everywhere, and not being able to find “that one box.” But I must say, this move has been one of the most exciting moves we have ever made. This past weekend we moved into our new home. It is lovely. It is roomy and we can “breathe” again. We’ve not had much in the way of choice over the past six years, and this time we were fortunate enough to be able to pick our house. Sometimes it even feels homey already.
Something amazing happened on Sunday afternoon. Some members from our new church family came over and filled our pantry! I mean to the brim! They had put a call out to the church to bring items to “pound” our pantry! What a beautiful gift! I went from having peanut butter and bread to having soups, tuna, goodies for the kids (Little Debbie’s I would never buy myself)……it was just overwhelming.
My oldest son said, “Wow, they already love us.”
I think we are in for some amazing things here in Rio Rancho. Everything “feels” right and is falling into place.
I’ve never been happier.
“The Lord has done great things for our family and our hearts are filled with joy.” Psalm 126:3
Today I Am Thankful For:
1. Meeting our first new neighbor (at 5:30 am while putting out the trash)
2. Finding the right boxes when they are needed
3. The view from my office window
4. The first batch of fresh cookies in my new home
5. Trash day