“A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.” John 16:21 (NIV)
I have been blessed with two sons. My oldest is 18. The moment he came into my life is when I understood the true meaning of love. For years after he came into my life, my husband and I tried to have another child. After infertility treatments and a clinical trial we finally accepted that one child was enough, because he was truly amazing.
Then Shazam! Ten years later my surprise bundle of joy came into the world, sleeping. And my next love affair began.
I absolutely adore babies. When I retire I want to volunteer at the local hospital and rock babies. Oh my, it sounds like heaven 🙂 In my Sunday school class one of my beautiful friends just had her second little girl and I love that she brings her to class, because “Aunt Cazandra” gets to love on her.
I was feeding that precious baby girl this morning and as I looked down at her I realized something. For the first time in a very long time I was not thinking about work tomorrow, the laundry piling up at home, or my weight. Her little fingers were curled around the beautiful bow on her outfit. The softness of her blanket and the sparkle in her eyes were just mesmerizing.
It was a moment where God opened my eyes to the beauty that surrounds me and the beauty inside of me. Looking into the eyes of a child and hearing those beautiful gurgles and squeaks just makes everything make sense. I looked at the worship service differently and even the offering of communion was more meaningful. Work will be there tomorrow morning even if I don’t think about it today. The laundry is in the same place, as well as my weight, but today I enjoyed a beautiful afternoon with my family and took in the beauty of the day.
A day well spent with God’s blessings surrounding me.
I am so glad I was paying attention.
Today I am Thankful For:
- Craft shows
- A perfect, New Mexico day
- My new curling iron
- Lavender linen spray
- laundry