Sunday evenings are normally a little anxiety ridden. The work week is about to start, lunches need to be made, clothes ready for the family, and schedules ironed out for who is getting where and when. But for the first Sunday night in a really long time I am not filled with anxiety.
I am fresh off from a personal “at-home-retreat” and have pushed myself into a new place. I started the week with blank pages in front of me and started a rough draft for my book. Okay, it’s out there in the universe. I’ve finally started my book and book proposal.
It was not simply that I woke up one day and decided to write a book, it is something that has been on my heart for years but the time has finally come to make it happen. I never realized how much courage it would take to actually put the words on paper and do more than write a blog post, but I am doing it.
Each day is a blank page. We can have a filled schedule with great plans, but we all know that it doesn’t take much for the schedule to get out of whack. Sometimes God has other things in store for us, if we listen or not.
Our blank pages are filled every day. Carpools, conversations over meals, going to the post office, visiting a sick friend, even rubbing your dog’s belly. I am glad I took some time to breathe and spend some quality time with God because my blank pages are looking promising each day.
My prayer for you is that your blank pages are filled with amazing moments, fun and laughter, and seeing God in tremendous ways.
Today I Am Thankful For:
- new babies
- baptisms
- a quiet, Sunday afternoon
- colored Sharpies
- rain