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My “Christian” has missed quite a bit of school already this year.  We rejoiced because he recently completed 8 days in a row!  Then his port site was yucky and we had to go to the HTC and another day was missed.  Ugh.

What I am coming to understand is that 2nd grade is not what it used to be.  The requirements are just absolutely ridiculous!  Gone are the days of “review” at the beginning of the school year.  We have a tutor working with Christian twice a week to help him make up the time he has missed.

Unfortunately when you have a chronic illness and you miss many days of school (but not enough to qualify as “homebound”) getting caught up is difficult.

My son struggles (at times suffers) from his bleeding disorder.  All he wants is to “be like the other kids” and it breaks my heart that the regular things kids are doing is sometimes almost too much for him.

I never thought we would be struggling to keep him caught up with his education.

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