Our appointment with the play therapist went very well. “Christian” really like her (especially the toys in the room). The therapist spent our first session getting to know background about our family and Christian’s diagnosis/journey.
It was really interesting to watch how she interacted and questioned him. I will admit that I have been in plenty of therapy (and am a much better person because of it) and watching someone work with my son was pretty amazing. You have to hold yourself back from answering for your child and just let them be who they are. I found myself catching myself often. I guess it’s just the mother in me.
The plan is to attend a session every other week with the hope that progress, where Christian’s fear of needles is concerned, will be made. The therapist has given us the “deadline” of February to stop and evaluate how things are going.
I am glad we have a plan in place and we are moving forward with what I am hoping will help Christian conquer his fear of needles.
I have a feeling it’s going to take a long time…but it’s about the journey, right?