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I believe God is always at work.  Sometimes we see his work pretty clearly and other times it takes years to “get it.”

I didn’t “get” what was happening to me on December 19, 1992.  Yes, it was my wedding day, one of the biggest days in my life, but I didn’t know how big a part God truly played in putting the two of us together.

The first year was rough!  Definitely not a bed full of roses.  We struggled and had our moments, then our first son was born, with hemophilia.  Our lives changed in a way we never imagined.  We’ve been through the deaths of our parents, loss of relationships, another son with hemophilia and career changes.  We even relocated (a true stepping out in faith).

My life is not what I ever dreamed it would be…it’s better.  It’s better because 20 years ago I married the love of my life.  Joe is my best friend, my confidant, the one that I want to spend all the days of my life with.

God has blessed me immeasurably.  My children are amazing, my career is thriving, my marriage is fantastic and most importantly I know who my God is.

Today I Am Thankful For:

1.  the smell of candles
2.  time off
3.  fleece
4.  waiting for snow
5.  pancakes
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