Fifty one years ago today a little soul left this world. His life was short and he struggled, but he lost his fight. He had hemophilia and back in 1962 in a rural, Texas town, hemophilia was not a disorder that brought a great deal of attention, so I don’t know if his life was short because of lack of medical treatment, or even lack of the parents and medical professionals even knowing he was afflicted.
That baby boy was my brother, Ronald “Ronnie” Julian Campos. He would have just turned 51 this past Wednesday and I wonder what he could have taught me. I am sure we would have laughed together until our sides ached and had several “inside” jokes. And more than me, what could he have taught both of my boys also living with hemophilia?
I tried over the yeas to find out more information about Ronnie, but my mother refused to talk about it and my dad never acknowledged the baby. I have no idea how my parents dealt with their loss and I wish I had understood and talked to them about his short life. It was a subject that no one in our family discussed…as if it had not happened. It must have been just too painful.
I have always had a connection to Ronnie even though I was born six years later! I have always felt his presence in my life. I guess he knew I would need him after my sons were born.
Ronnie was here for five days but in that all too brief five days, he left a legacy. My sons are continuing on the path he left for them, and fortunately their future is very bright.
I see Ronnie in my dreams. I feel his presence and know that he is with my boys every step of the way as a good uncle should be. He is in my soul in a way most who have come in and out of my life are not present.
We are all here for a purpose.
I thank God for my brother and his short life. I know he impacted the lives of my mom and dad in a huge way…and he plunged into the life of his little sister all these years later.
He has changed me.
Today I Am Thankful For:
1. Wax burners
2. day weekends
3. Blank notecards
4. Early mornings
5. Thick socks