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Have you ever watched those weight loss shows on television?  At the beginning of the hour an extremely obese individual begins their journey of losing about  50% of their body weight in a two hour time span?  That two hour time span is really a period of 365 days.  It gets people inspired and motivated, but not always for the long haul.  The truth is, weight loss takes time.

We live in a world of remote controls and instant gratification.  (Remember the days when you watched your small black and white television and you actually had to turn the knob to change the channels?)  We want things to happen now!

I am definitely not a patient person, but I have learned, through my son’s illness, that some things just take time.  Physical healing is not something that can be rushed and despite your schedule or plans, you have to put things on hold and allow for time to let the healing take place.

  • Weight loss takes time.
  • Healing takes time.
  • Forgiveness takes time.

You have to start each day with a purpose and a vision of what you want your day to look like, knowing it will take some time to evolve.

But sometimes forgiveness is the tricky one.  If a person’s heart is not willing to move past hurtful words or a hurtful situation they may never allow forgiveness to come in, despite the relationship being destroyed.  Time does not always heal all.

I have found that during the waiting God works on me.

  • When I am sitting in the hospital day after day God speaks to me through my reading and writing and most especially through the time I lie in bed with my son reading books or playing games as he heals.
  • When I “think” about exercising and getting healthy and other things happen that distract me, God is speaking to me and preparing me for what is next.
  • When I pass the time thinking about a lost relationship and wondering if and when reconciliation will happen, God speaks truth to me and tells me that I am enough.

I want to spend my time more intentionally and not waste it.  Those moments of waiting for something to happen may be the answer to my most profound questions.

I just hope I am open to listening to His voice.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. bendy straws
  2. balloons
  3. the hope of several days of rain
  4. new apps
  5. Frasier in the evening