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Every time I am at church a member of our wonderful congregation will ask, “How is ‘Christian’ today?”  Our congregation keeps my sweet boy lifted in prayer constantly knowing that from one day to the next his hemophilia may get the best of him.

Last night at our Wednesday Night Out, the question came from a concerned congregant, “How is ‘Christian’?”  I was able to respond, “We are all here tonight!  It’s all good.”

Whenever our family is fortunate enough to be in schedule/routine I will say, “It’s all good.”

Over the past few months things have not really been “all good” but when my family is all under one roof I can definitely say things are better.

But today of all days I understand that there is a level that is better than “all good.”


December 19th marks my 21st wedding anniversary.  I had absolutely no idea 21 years ago that the man I was marrying was truly my beloved…my best friend…my confidant and witness to my life.

I didn’t know then that he would be the most amazing daddy to my boys.  That he would bring laughter and silliness to our home and a warmth and security that I never knew existed.  That he would help me reach a new depth to my faith and that I could be loved so unconditionally.


Despite the yucky stuff in my life it is always all good because of my soul mate.

He is the one who makes my heart race a little faster (even after all of these years).

He is the one I can count on despite the craziness that goes on in my head.

He is the love of my life.