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I always loved secrets when I was a little girl.  You know, the harmless kind that involved “liking” someone…..or being liked by someone 🙂

One thing I have noticed is that sometimes having secrets can be lonely.  You either can’t share because of your status in a group or community, or won’t share because you may be embarrassed or ashamed about the situation.  And not having anyone to share with can leave a heaviness in your heart.  Then you start to think that maybe you “deserved” something that was dealt to you and you become afraid to talk about it….and then doubt creeps in, and shame, and……well, the list goes on.

If you are out there without a real, live person in the flesh to share your innermost secrets and hearts desires with, don’t forget…

  • the One who has never left you.
  • the One who created you.
  • the One who loves you despite the extra pounds, gray hairs, empty bank accounts and bad choices.
  • the One who will see you through a health crisis.
  • and the One who will give you the words you need when reaching out in desperation to pray.

Today I am reaching out and surrendering like I never have before.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. pecans in the shell
  2. chiropractors
  3. cork boards
  4. All State Choir concerts
  5. water fountains